We at FullCircle Consulting recognize the value of feedback in an organizational setting. For an organization or employees to grow, it is necessary to identify areas of strengths and opportunities.
To cater to this critical developmental step, we offer an array of surveys that can be designed for our clients:
Employee Engagement Survey
With an abundance of experience and help of our organisational behaviour expert on board, we can help your organization with taking opinion from your employees on their satisfaction with the organization. We not only design, develop and conduct your survey for you but also provide you with an array of analytics to understand employee feedback and take the right action to ensure employee engagement. With our organizational development background, we also help you in designing the right strategy to ensure the right areas are targeted as a part of your strategy to increase employee engagement.
360 Degree Survey
For any leader to grow and develop in an organization, it is absolutely essential to not only get the right feedback from their line manager, but also take into account feedback from peers and direct teams as well. We at FullCircle Consulting understand this requirement and ensure that we design the right solution, based on the organizational compentencies and leadership behaviours, to gain the right feedback, to help them grow and develop. Not only do we conduct and design the survey but based on credentials of our team, we take it a step further and provide report interpretation and coaching to the manager to gain value from their results.
Manager Quality Survey
We at FullCircle understand the impact and value a manager's behaviour has on the development, growth and engagement of their employee. To gauge the quality of the manager in terms of behaviours expected by the company, we at FullCircle Consulting, have a proven method of quantifying the impact via a customized solution designed in consultation with the management, employees and considering the culture, values and competencies of the organization. In addition to the survey, we also provide development guides to ensure managers understand their results and have tools to work towards improving the behaviour that has proved to be an opportunity for them.
Partnership with ETS Global